

3D Views for Jira(Application) is the Jira add-on that allows Jira users review 3D objects inside their web-browsers without any special software.

Data source

3D Views for Jira uses Jira Issue attachments as the data source.

Use case

As a Jira User, you can upload 3D objects to a Jira Issue as an attachment and review them in a special window provided by the Application.

It is three simple steps to review 3D object:

  1. Add a 3D object to the Jira Issue as an attachment

  2. Click “3D Views” on the Issue View screen

  3. Click on the object you want to review

And here you are, your 3D model:

Supported formats

Currently the app supports:

  • GLTF

  • GLB

  • STL

  • OBJ

  • WRL

  • FBX

  • ZIP

3D Objects with multiple assets

Some 3D objects(like .GLTF or .OBJ) require additional files such as textures and/or materials mapping files.

For this case 3D Views for Jira supports ZIP archives.

To be able to review the objects that consist of multiple files and/or directories:

  1. Pack the necessary files into ZIP archive

2. Add archive as attachment

3. Open 3D Views window

Here we go, you can review you 3D object:

Objects with .MTL materials mapping

To be able to review 3D objects that come with MTL files, you need to pack the source 3D object file(for example .obj), .mtl file, and texture files into a ZIP archive and then you can add that archive to the Issue attachments.